Discomfort That I Would Mistake For Lust

Spent a day in Berry over the weekend, which is always a nice break from the pace of the city. The Girl and I always end up discussing what our lives would look like if we lived there. It’s a speed of life that, given my Appalachian upbringing, I could fall into rather easily (like a sofa molded to my body by years of use) but the city has seduced me. I would forever hear her siren song in the distance, creating in me a discomfort that I would mistake for lust. No, I dare not leave her; dare not generate a longing that only an admission of requital would subdue.

Perfect And Bright

Straight out of the camera, which speaks to how perfect and bright this late-December Western Australia Day was.

The Woods Of Tasmania

Taken in the woods of Tasmania in December. My mind is on the effort ahead as much today as it was that day, though those stairs were easier to conquer than what lies before me now. One step at a time, as they say.

Something Of A Useless Abstraction

For The Girl, a trip to Perth is a return to her roots. For me it is quite the opposite: there is nowhere on land that is further away from West Virginia. In the shade of this tree and other trees like it, we are at home with each other under this endless blue sky. Distance, then, becomes something of a useless abstraction.