Month: August 2014

  • Sometimes Your To-Do List Is Best Left Unfinished

    On Monday we discussed using context and prioritization to better organize our to-do lists. Keeping the highest priority items at the top of our lists ensures that we’re getting the right things done in order to make real progress toward achieving our goals. Less important tasks get relegated to the bottom of the list and naturally […]

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  • Prioritize And Contextualize Your To-Do List

    An integral part of whatever productivity system you decide to establish is a mechanism for managing all of the tasks that you’ll have on your plate at any one time. Some will call this ‘task management’ and employ any number of synced apps or custom systems to stay across everything. Others will go the pen-and-notecard […]

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  • Make A Habit Of Passion, Learn From Kids, Be Inspired

    The weekend is here again! Rituals were the theme of the week, which happens to coincide with the first weekend link about making a habit of pursuing your passion projects. Kids pervade the other two links by showing us how to channel our inner nine-year-old and allowing for a little inspiration after a disappointing loss […]

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  • Use Rituals To Engineer Your Perfect Day

    A powerful way to start living the life you want to live while making progress toward your grandest goals is to map out what your average perfect day would look like (via). Not your fantasy perfect day, but a perfect day that you can engineer out of the raw material of reality. Naturally this perfect day […]

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  • Convert Routines Into Rituals For Meaningful Progress

    You might not think that you’re a creature of routine but consider the course of your average day for a few seconds. Maybe you always have a cup of coffee in the morning and try to wait until noon before having another. You iron your shirt for the next work day just before you go […]

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  • Self-Awareness, Being Provocative, Shaking Up The NFL

    An unintentional theme developed as I compiled the links for this weekend: moving confidently forward and shaking things up. The first link shows us how to establish a foundation for development before the second challenges us to not just question the status quo but to take action toward changing it. A piece on Chip Kelly, […]

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  • ‘Create’ Free Time By Being Early

    Here’s a great way to develop a positive trait and steal back some precious free moments all in one move: get comfortable with waiting. Punctuality is never looked upon poorly, no matter what your fashionably late friends may try to tell you. However, being early can leave you in the awkward position of having nothing […]

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  • Build A Custom ‘Inflow’ To Stay On Top Of Things

    The internet is full of interesting things (including this blog!). So many interesting things, in fact, that the line between staying informed and falling into a bottomless pit of distraction is sometimes difficult to distinguish. How can you stay on top of the things that matter most to you and avoid the distraction trap? By […]

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  • Coping With Ignorance, Better Brainstorming, A Ticking Clock

    This weekend: cope with not being the smartest person in the room, execute better (and less painful) group brainstorming sessions and get served constant reminders of your mortality (in the name of wasting less time, naturally). 7 Tips for Working With People Who Are Smarter Than You (via) We’re not always going to be the […]

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  • You Can’t Create A New World Until You Handle This One

    On Monday we discussed the importance of establishing a productivity system that will turn our many inputs into valuable outputs. David Allen, the author of Getting Things Done, recently offered this reminder about just how important these systems are: Not optimally handling the world you’ve created, right now, produces deep resistance to creating a new one. […]

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