Month: March 2019

  • You Wanted Me To Be Right

    You Wanted Me To Be Right

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Greg (@jimmygoodwords) “Sometimes you sound like one of those precocious characters in movies who are wise beyond their years.” “But I’m not always right.” “You have been so far.” “I’ve been wrong plenty of times. If you thought I wasn’t wrong in those instances, it’s because […]

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  • Moving On…

    Moving On…

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Greg (@jimmygoodwords) Moving on…

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  • Total Clarity

    Total Clarity

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Greg (@jimmygoodwords) Yesterday I finished the hard part of my ‘pre’ data collection (this photo is, in fact, part of that data). For the first time in my PhD candidature, I can see the finish line with total clarity. 30 October, y’all.

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  • An Unusually Long Series Of Small Steps

    An Unusually Long Series Of Small Steps

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Greg (@jimmygoodwords) Doing a PhD seems big when considered in the aggregate, but it’s actually just an unusually long series of small steps. One step at a time tends to get the job done. Many of those small moments are thresholds, the crossing of which being […]

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