At Least One Word

Tonight The Girl is up for yet another award in her career. She is as lovely in her long black dress as she was in her pajamas this morning. But don’t tell her I put that on the internet.

To watch my girl work is a miracle of a thing. I’ve had the pleasure on many occasions and yet she always finds new ways to impress me and those who she is working with and/or alongside.

I tell her often that I struggle to write about her. This is primarily a selfish failure, as I tend to be very protective of her. I want her all to myself.

But there is a more practical failure, and that is one of language. There are simply not words that communicate precisely how I see her – much like the way that photographs never quite capture the majesty of a sunset as you’re seeing it in situ.

But considering her today, there is at least one word that applies to the whole of her being: brave. She never stops moving, working, thinking, failing, trying – and so she’s also yet to stop succeeding.

Tonight, then, is significant. But it is just one step on the journey I’m lucky to get to share with her.





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